+351 268 035 675 (Chamada para rede fixa nacional) info@fundacaords.org

Communication on the INDTC International Conference in Rome


The Romão de Sousa Foundation President and Clinical Director of the Casa de Alba were invited to present the Casa de Alba project at the International Network of Democratic Therapeutic Communities (INDTC) Conference – Cosa Accade nel Mondo delle Comunità Terapeutiche – on November 22nd in Rome. The major focus of this conference was on the role of psychotherapy in therapeutic communities and mental health. This invitation came up after Doctor José Romão de Sousa and Doctor João G. Pereira paid a visit to CHT – Community Housing and Therapy in London – where Doctor João G. Pereira was trained.

For more information, please, visit:  http://indtc.org/en/news/story/indtc-1st-international-conference

