João G. Pereira
Clinical Director
João G. Pereira is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Évora University and Clinical Director of Romão de Sousa Foundation (Casa de Alba).
He holds a Doctorate in Psychotherapy by Middlesex University, following a number of years in the UK National Health Service developing and researching therapeutic programs.
João is a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), accredited by the British Psychoanalytic Council as MBT Therapist, a Registered Psychotherapist with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and has been awarded the European Certificate of Psychotherapy by the EAP.
He is interested in understanding what goes on in developing and sustaining therapeutic relationships and in the intersection between psychoanalysis, philosophy and neuroscience.
He is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Philosophical Psychiatry at NOVA University of Lisbon and member of international research groups. He is also on the scientific committee of several mental health related events.
João is the author and editor of a number of mental health publications. He co-edited and authored the recently published book “Schizophrenia and Common Sense” by Springer-Nature.

Cátia Ribeiro Alves
Team Leader / Psychotherapist
Degree (pre-Bologna) in Psychology, branch of clinical psychology, by the University of Évora. Member in specialty training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at the Portuguese Society of Clinical Psychology. Effective member of the Portuguese Association of Psychologists, specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology. Certified trainer. With professional experience in different contexts, she was a collaborator in the NOP project “New Parenting Opportunities”, promoted by the “Question of Balance” and financed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation under the Children and Youth at Risk Program. She collaborated as a psychologist at a Home for Children and Youth and also at a Family Support and Parental Counseling Center. She also worked as a psychologist in a Therapeutic Community for Drug Addicts in Castro Verde and in different prison establishments in the Center and South of the country. In the field of research, she collaborated in the National Study on “Psychological Health and Well-Being” conducted by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Universidade Católica Portuguesa, under the coordination of the World Health Organization and Harvard University. Currently in training in Open Dialogue and Dialogic Practices.

António Paiva
Medical Doctor and Consultant Psychiatrist at Casa de Alba, Therapeutic Community. António is the Clinical Director of the Psychiatric Unit in Barreiro Hospital (Lisbon). He is Member of the Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society.

Vitor Amorim Rodrigues
Victor has a Degree in Medicine, having completed a training internship in the Personality Disorders Clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital and Personality Disorders Institute in New York in 1993. He obtained the Specialist Degree in Psychiatry (Order of Physicians/Ministry of Health) in 1994 with a score of 19 points. Victor was President of the Board of the Association for the Recovery and Social Reintegration of Drug Addicts from 1997 to 1999 and was Clinical Director of the Therapeutic Community of Lages de Freiria. He later finished a Master’s Degree in Philosophy in 1998 and a postgraduate degree in Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology in 1999 at the then Instituto de Medicina Legal de Lisboa. Victor obtained the Degree of Consultant in Psychiatry (Ordem dos Médicos/Ministry of Health) in 2000. He was Director of the Navarro de Paiva Educational Center (Medical-Psychological Institute) of the IRS/Ministry of Justice (2000/2003) and gained experience (part-time) in prison psychiatry since 1996 and in forensic psychiatry since 1999 as a private consultant and as an expert in the Courts (work, civil and criminal areas). Victor is Founding Member and Supervisor of the Portuguese Society of Existential Psychotherapy, having also trained in Psychodynamic and Systemic Psychotherapy. He is Member of the Society of Existential Psychotherapy and Psychomaeutics of Rio de Janeiro. Victor has been a professor at ISPA since 1991 and is a regular contributor to the Department of Ongoing Training at ISPA-IU. He coordinates two training courses, in Clinic of Personality Disorders (10 editions) and Clinical Criminology (6 editions). He obtained the Diploma in Advanced Studies in Psychology (DEA) at the University of Extremadura in Spain (2010) and completed his Doctoral Thesis in Psychology at the same University (2014). He works in the fields of psychology, psychopathology and phenomenological and existential psychotherapies. His current research interests are in the area of personality disorders and criminal psychopathology.

Raquel Pedrosa
Médica Psiquiatra
Biography to be updated soon.

Tatiana Gil Ferreira
Clinical Psychologist / Psychotherapist
Tatiana has an MSc in Clinical Psychology from Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (ISPA) and is a full member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists with the tittle of specialist in clinical psychology.
She in the latest stages of Phenomenological-Existential Psychotherapy training at the Portuguese Society for Existential Psychotherapy (SPPE).
Tatiana has completed a placement in clinical neuropsychology (ISPA) and has trained in the subjects of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychosomatics, mental health and risk behaviour.
She has worked in substance abuse, both outpatients and therapeutic communities, in educational settings, as well as having cooperated with Child Protection and Safeguarding Children Organizations.
Tatiana has developed clinical work in private practice and in council estates in Lisbon and Cascais, as well as working in Community Psychology, Crisis intervention and in projects for the development of parental and social/relational skills.
She has cooperated in a study regarding brief psychotherapy by ISPA, Jerónimo Usera Foundation and SPPE.
Tatiana has recently attended Open Dialogue Training in Finland and Norway and is committed to develop humanistic mental health practices.

Marcelo Azeredo Rodrigo
Clinical Psychologist with a background in Psychotherapy (SSSPC / Roma), holds a PhD in Educational Sciences (UPS / Roma).
In psychotherapy, Marcelo follows an integrative approach, grounded in Transactional Analysis. He is a member of EATA (European Association for Transactional Analysis).
His first professional experiences as a Mental Health Practitioner, took place in Rome within Social Cooperatives, providing home services, in Reception Houses, Therapeutic Communities and Day Centers.
In 2012, he started his psychotherapist practice in Rome, which is continuing now in Lisbon.
He combined the aforementioned work of Mental Health Practitioner and Psychotherapist with other activities: teaching as a Guest Lecturer at UPS (Rome), having addressed, among various subjects, malaise in the context of current modernity; training for students and teachers in educational institutions (Rome and Lisbon); participation in research projects (UPWEB / Lisbon) and social inclusion (ESAO / São Vicente de Cabo-Verde and Salesianos de Manique / Alcabideche).
Emphasizes, in contextual reading, the importance of Psychotherapy as a tool for training and empowerment.

Lídia Conim
Nurse Specialist
Lídia Conim is a Nurse Specialist at Casa de Alba. She has been a graduate nurse, since 1987, a specialist in Community Health and a Master’s degree in Health Unit Management, by the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, School of Health. She also has a Master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Évora. Currently working at the Estremoz Health Center – Basic Urgency Service, she has extensive experience in nursing care in an inpatient and outpatient setting, as well as home care. Worked in several places, namely: Santa Cruz Hospital (1987-2000), Hospital Egas Moniz (1991-1996); Rio de Mouro Health Center (2000-2001) and Estremoz Health Center (since 2001). Its practice emphasizes proximity nursing, focusing on users and their families, promoting autonomy in activities of daily living. Especially sensitive to the area of mental health, in aspects related to differences (isolation, segregation, exclusion, depression), believes that its practice of monitoring and surveillance with focus on the individual, can make a difference in recovery and improvement of the conditions of mental health of the population. Their knowledge of practice with the National Network of Continuing Care and Primary Health Care can be very beneficial in the future implementation of Continuing Care in Mental Health.

Cláudia Pedro
Clinical Psychologist
Cláudia Pedro is Clinical Psychologist at Casa de Alba. Master in Clinical and Health Psychology from the University of Évora. Developed the master’s thesis “How do people cope with health crises? An analysis of the manifestations of secondary coping on Twitter during a crisis “, and is currently writing an article in this field to be published in scientific journals in the area. He completed the curricular internship at the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health (DPSM) of the Hospital do Espirito Santo in Évora where he developed several activities such as psychological follow-ups, psychological assessments, participation in the Child and Adolescent Psychology Unit with the hosting of meetings, team in psychiatry with the objective of reporting the cases that would need to be followed up in an outpatient clinic. During the internship he began to use the Individualized Patient Progress System (IPPS) program, presenting him to the team, resulting in the interest of using some members and passing the DPSM to collaborate with the University of Évora in collecting data through these “Custom Measures Therapeutic Gain Monitoring “, title of the presentation. He recently participated in the training “Mental Health – implementation of responses in the community” in the Psychiatric Hospital Center of Lisbon – Júlio de Matos Campus.

Mariana Martins
Music Therapist
Biography to be updated soon.

Jéssica Nunes
Biography to be updated soon.
Diogo Janeiro
Social Assistant
Diogo Janeiro is Social Worker at Casa de Alba. Degree in Applied Social Research and Post-Graduate in Safety and Hygiene and Health at Work.
She worked at Cercimb (Cooperativa dos Namidos Inadaptados de Moita and Barreiro), as a Senior Social Worker, working with disabled people and at-risk youth.
He held positions at the Municipality of Monforte, as Senior Technician of Sociology, and was responsible for an Equal Transnational Project, which sought to help the most disadvantaged, seeking to integrate them into the labor market and / or creating self-employment.
He worked as an External Trainer for several companies, both public and private, having contacted several target audiences.
He worked as a RVCC Technician at CNO, having followed processes of equivalence to Basic and Secondary education.
He held positions again in the City Council of Monforte, where he collaborated in the Communitarian Program of Delivery of Foodstuffs for the Careless (PCAAC), Municipal Card of the Elderly.
He was a collaborator of the Municipal Council of Sousel, where he held positions in the Social Action Office, participating in the various projects implemented. (Senior University, Social Shop, Memory Workshop, Gente Grande Grande Movement), updating of Social Diagnostics, among other projects.
He was a collaborator in the Technical Team of the Humanitarian Center of the Red Cross of Évora. He participated in the various responses promoted by the institution, such as: Teleassistance Service, Domiciliary Support Service, Social Assistance and Support, Food Supply Delivery, Social Refectory.
Maria Nepomuceno
Biography to be updated soon.
Carolina Gomes
Biography to be updated soon.